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Elena Sense
7 July
Елена Сенс
Touch Of Life       Elena started to draw in the seventh grade. Initially, it was copying the pictures, then appeared m ...
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Обсуждаемый Модернист         Инна Хасилева родилась в 1984 года. 1999-2004 гг. - учащаяся Одесского Государствен ...
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8 July
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Акробат кисти          Родился в Гэтаия, Румынии, в 1962 году. Gyuri Lohmuller является самоучкой. &nb ...
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African Inspiration





Tatyana is an Artist based in South Africa.


The artist has held solo exhibitions both locally and overseas, and has participated in exclusive group exhibitions. Investors in her pictures range from foreign embassies, corporate offices, guesthouses, international private collectors and museums.

Her works has sold in Poland, Britain, Germany, Canada, France, Israel, Australia, Italy, South Africa, Russia, Ukraine, and the USA.

Since 2005 Tatyana Binovska became a South African artist with all her soul and inspiration.






"I create whatever comes pouring out of my carousel mind at any given moment. Could be realistic… could be romantic… could be poignant. It is as much of a journey for me, as being in a best country and deciding which road to walk down. One thing for sure is that I can’t hold it back. It is thrilling to see what new jewel I can pluck from my imagination, or what well-loved treasure I decide to bring out for a polish. Either way… it’s bound to attract some curious onlookers, who will either stick around to see what comes next, or who will head on down the road to find their own eclectic collection. All I hope is that I can at least tuck a little inspiration in their pocket before they go."







You can view and buy Art Works of Tatiana Binovskaya online at ART.biz

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